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Naomi D. Maestas

872 Kristi Lane

Los Alamos, NM


Tel: 505-412-3361




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Join Naomi's Campaign

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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact The Community!


Help Naomi make a difference


There are many ways to volunteer,

from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.

Here are ways you can help:

Hosting a party will allow your friends an neighbors an oppurtunity to get to know Naomi, hear about her experience, and discuss any issues they may want addressed. 


In order to succeed in this effort, Naomi will need to mount an aggressive campaign, which 

will also require a strong grassroots organization. She cannot do this effectively alone. That is why we are inviting you, friends and family, to join this campaign and make a real difference. 


A contribution of any denomination, made payable to, “Campaign to Elect Naomi for LA Clerk”, will help her in this journey. Contributions can be mailed to the address below, at any LANB location using her campaign name, or online via PayPal by clicking the donate button below. 


Thank you in advance for your support and prayers and your valuable time in helping Naomi to be the next Los Alamos County Clerk! 

Naomi is working hard to be your next Los Alamos County Clerk. Please consider becoming a volunteer to assist in her mission. Sign up today to help her in this initiative and help her in her journey. Ways you can volunteer is by assisting with local events, telling your neighbors and friends about Naomi's undeniable ambition, experince, and desire for the posiiton, and above all keeping Naomi and her family in your prayers!

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